Price adjustment on 1 December


Please note that we will adjust the price of some of our memberships on 1 December.

We set the price for Rapida Training, Rapida Pluss and Golf at NOK. 50

We do not do anything with Balance, CrossFit and Student.

Those who are bound will have the price adjusted after the binding period expires.

 New price with 12-month commitment*Before: 15:00
Rapida Training NOK 399 NOK 249
Rapida Plus NOK 499 NOK 349
 New price with 12-month commitment *
Rapida Training and Golf NOK 499
Rapida Plus and Golf NOK 549

* NOK 50 supplement without binding.


Choose your main centre

(This is only for having a connection to a main centre, with this you can train at all our training centers apart from Rapida Balance)